figure 1: "A Weekend Painting"

Paint-by-numbers painting of sunflowers in a windowsil

Aesthetic Format

Paint by Numbers

Participant Reflection

“This is a picture of a paint by numbers I did with my girlfriend. I ordered it online the first week of the pandemic and waited for a month and a half before it arrived. This paint by numbers was the highlight of my week. I was very happy doing it and as soon as it was done I was struck by how disheartening it was to be that excited about an adult-version of what is traditionally a child’s arts and crafts project. In any other year of my life I would be depressed thinking about spending a weekend in painting instead of out with friends, or even doing something productive for school. 

After reflecting on the meaning of the my selection of the painting I realized two things. First, as everyone has been constrained to their homes, it seems fitting that my artistic outlet is also constrained to little numbered boxes (or in this case blobs). Secondly, as time has gone on and I have adapted to a new normal in the hospital and personally I have begun to recognize my resilience. I have made many changes to my life to combat the looming depression and stay productive, including paint by numbers, which helps me to cope. Adjusting and finding new sources of joy is important and I feel that this painting reflects that. If the pandemic goes on long enough maybe I’ll progress to painting outside the lines, though I doubt the end result would be as nice.”