figure 4: "Just an Ordinary Day in the Pandemic Life"

Waking up to the new number of cases

Watching the news and seeing somber faces

Getting dressed and hurrying out the door

Testing my luck today at the grocery store

Standing in line with my shopping cart ready

How are all these people here already!

Will there be bread? Toilet paper? Or Soap?

Probably not but I sure can hope

Quickly making my way down the unfilled aisles

Glancing at other people’s carts and stockpiles

Time to line up, staying two metres away

Patiently waiting as I am next to pay

Stopping to fill up as I drive back home

Gas is cheap but I have nowhere to roam

Wiping what I can and washing my hands

Trying to beat this virus that I still don’t understand

Cooking in the kitchen as I turn on the news

Planning my meals as this pandemic continues

Who knows what will come of tomorrow and the next

Just trying to remain calm and hope for the best.

Aesthetic Format


Participant Reflection

“I chose to create an aesthetic piece in the form of a poem because poetry acts as an outlet for creative expression. It allows me to express information, feelings and thoughts in the form of words. Poetry is also somewhat therapeutic and allows me to express what I may be feeling, or what I think others are also feeling, in words that convey mood and emotion.

I shared my aesthetic piece with others as I believe many people around the world are feeling shared emotions during these troubling times, showing people they are not experiencing the Covid-19 crisis alone.”