figure 8: "Supernurse"

Drawing of Superman crest with "N" instead of "S", stethascope wrapped around the crest

Aesthetic Format


Participant Reflection

“I chose to draw a picture as it combines some of the many elements that I have seen in pictures and memes on social media. Social media has been the main outlet for health professionals and the public to talk about this pandemic.

Nurses in this pandemic have been portrayed as heroes. The Superman “S” has been changed to an “N” for nurses. The stethoscope you’re seeing further represents us as a profession. The phrase at the bottom is something we have been frequently relaying on social media as nurses, to make a point to the public about safety. I realize that with my education I can contribute my new skills in an important time in history.

It has been interesting to observe people and participate as a nurse in this pandemic with a different perspective. Having gone through my Masters, I’m able to take a step back and see a bigger picture. As for my aesthetic, I’m hoping that nurses remain hero’s to the public and that we can advocate together to better our profession the way we have regarding the PPE crisis.”