figure 9: "Two Identities"

Abstract drawing of faces with words next to them: "identity, choice, purpose, protection, obligation, expectations"

Aesthetic Format


Participant Reflection

“My aesthetic piece is my line drawing that included words because I think a mix of visuals and words are the best way to portray my reflection. I chose line drawing and calligraphy because I like the consistent flow of the pen, letting the pen guide the vision. I decided to create my own visual because I found it therapeutic to reflect through art as well.

My visual is of two faces, one of which has a mask to represent my nursing self and the other without. As a nursing student and professional nurse, the COVID19 pandemic gave me a choice, a hard one. To choose between my role as a family member by staying at home to care for my grandparents, or to accept a position in screening for COVID19. I included words in my visual that highlight the impact of the pandemic and this choice between my two identities, one as a daughter and granddaughter, the other as a nurse. The pandemic challenged the self-perceptions of my purpose and obligations, as well as expectations of myself, from my family and from my profession. The two faces are tied together with one line because I am not only one of those people. The pandemic has introduced me to a future of balancing my nurse role and family role.”