figure 12: "Beautiful"

Aesthetic Format


Participant Reflection

“I chose music as my particular aesthetic because playing the guitar brings me peace and focus at the moment. Being at home, I faced distractions of watching Netflix/Youtube or playing video games. At times, they were used as an escape whenever I felt stress. However, I would spend too much time and feel bad that I did afterward. Music allowed me to focus my at the moment and realize my stress and take time to ease my mind.

Playing this song on the guitar reflects how COVID-19 had on my education and practice as it helped me be aware and focus in on the present. Despite the stress and worries created by COVID-19, it is important to be aware of your feelings and appreciate the moment.

The title of the song is called Beautiful and the peaceful tone outlines the appreciation I have for the nursing profession. As the nursing profession is placed in a stressful situation, beautiful things happen as well through the appreciation of the public and the dedication they give to be there for those in need.”