figure 14: "Model of Resilience"

The 5 factor model of resilience: mindfulness, gratitute, optimism, compassion, grit

Aesthetic Format


Participant Reflection

“I have chosen the 5 factor model of resilience. It consists of mindfulness, gratitude, optimism, compassion, and grit. The simultaneous changes were challenging and it could sometimes be overwhelming so practicing the 5 models of resilience helped me to still do my assignments, to focus on my long term goals, to find things to be grateful for and be optimistic and thinking that good things are still coming, I just have to get through the things, and I learned to not underestimate my ability to cope, and to not feel guilty when I really really need a break.

I have consistently been using mindfulness to reflect on practice daily and sometimes use by meditation and grounding through headspace, gratitude (writing in my journal and listing things that I am grateful for), optimism (trying to look at the positive despite of all the challenges), and compassion (self-compassion, staying kind to myself because I think I could be my biggest critic and I end up beating myself up for things I don’t even have control over), but I recently discovered Grit which means focusing and determining your long term goals. I think sometimes I get carried away in the moment and make decisions impulsively and forget to be in tune with my emotions. Therefore, my head is consistently in the “what’s next” phase. In the beginning of the year, I was so excited because it’s the last semester and this is my last chance to ask as much questions as I would want and be exposed with nursing procedures that I don’t get to do at work (I work in a long-term so its very different). And in my head, I just had a lot of exciting plans until our clinical was stopped, my elective got transferred from in-class to online and work started asking me to take more shifts cuz they need more ppl due to many changes.

The coronavirus impacted my nursing practice by doing my best at the given time and remind myself to engage into things that I enjoy such as talking to a close friend, exercising, being mindful of my eating habits, getting enough sleep, not neglecting my spiritual needs, and limiting social media news or anything that talks about coronavirus consistently cuz it was anxiety-provoking for me. Also, gathering the right information from reliable sources such as CDC (centers for disease Control and prevention) and PHAC (Public health agency of Canada) about coronavirus because there are a lot of false information online.

This is something I will be practicing as I really need my mental health to be intact especially with lots of challenges like this and I think I can use this in every aspect of my life.”