figure 15: "Do You Know What This Is?"

Glidescope with text:"Do you know what this is? Stay home and you won't have to find out"

Aesthetic Format

Photographic Composition

Participant Reflection

“I chose this particular aesthetic piece as it reflects the feelings that many individuals might share during this time. From a healthcare perspective, it illustrates the fear of having to take on responsibilities and care for patients that you are unfamiliar with especially as a newer nurse. However, it also reflects the fear of the public as this pandemic has greatly effected there day-to-day lives as well as their concerns over their own health and that of those around them.

This piece reflects the knowledge that I, as a nurse/nursing student, hold in a scary situation and my relationship with the public. As many of my peers are unaware of what a pandemic entails for them and look to me to answer their questions, it amplifies my role as an educator and places more responsibility on myself that there would be prior to covid-19.”